About ISBA News
ISBA members may post announcements of interest to the Bayesian statistics community, including announcements of conferences/workshops that are not officially sponsored or endorsed by ISBA. Upcoming ISBA-sponsored or endorsed events are listed on the upcoming meetings page. All submissions will be reviewed prior to being posted on this site. Please allow 1-2 business days for processing.
ISBA 2018 Program, Abstracts, and Apps…
are all available on the Program page.
ISBA invites comments on its Code of Conduct and related Procedures and Policies
Following six months of work, our Code of Conduct and related Procedures and Policies have now been finalised and approved by the safeISBA Committee, the ISBA Board and our external legal representative. The documents have been posted to our website. Since these...
ISBA Board Approves Code of Conduct and Related Policies
The ISBA Board of Directors has approved a Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics, Equal Opportunity, and Anti-Harassment Policies.
ISBA supports initiatives that highlight the importance and impact of Bayesian methods in machine learning and data science. For the past several years ISBA has promoted proposals for workshops submitted to the Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Conference....
BAYSM 2018 announcement: early bird deadline closing on 7st May 2018
The Early Bird registration deadline for BAYSM 2018 is the 7th of May 2018. Register now ( to receive the discounted registration cost for this exciting event. As part of the registration process you can also book your accommodation in...
Call for 2018 Mitchell Prize Nominations
ISBA is pleased to call for submissions for several honors, including the 2018 Mitchell prize. The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2018. Please prepare nominations as a single pdf file following the convention LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.pdf so the file name corresponds...
Call for 2018 Savage Award Nominations
ISBA is pleased to call for submissions for several honors, including the 2018 Savage Award. The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2018. Please prepare nominations as a single pdf file following the convention LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.pdf so the file name corresponds to...
Provisional Schedule for the World Meeting – Now Available
A provisional schedule for the 2018 ISBA World Meeting is now available on the Program page.
Bayesian Analysis: Call for contributed discussions of “Using Stacking to Average Bayesian Predictive Distributions”
The discussion paper for the September issue of Bayesian Analysis will be the paper "Using Stacking to Average Bayesian Predictive Distributions by Yuling Yao, Aki Vehtari, Daniel Simpson, and Andrew Gelman. It is available from...
Applied Bayesian Statistics School on Bayes and Sport
This is a reminder that early-bird registration is still available for ABS18, the 15th Applied Bayesian Statistics Summer School. The daily programme is available on the website. Topic: BAYESIAN STATISTICAL MODELLING...