Constitution of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis
- PurposeThe purpose of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) is to foster the study of Bayesian analysis, including applications, and its alternatives.
- Officers
- The officers of ISBA are a President Elect, President, Past President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Program Chair, Program Chair, and Past Program Chair.
- Each year a President Elect is elected by a vote of the membership, to take office for a term of one year. The President Elect then succeeds to the office of President for a term of one year. The President succeeds to the office of Past President for a term of one year.
- The Executive Secretary and Treasurer are elected by the membership for staggered three year terms.
- The President Elect appoints a Vice Program Chair, who serves for a year, succeeds to the office of Program Chair for a year, and then succeeds to the office of Past Program Chair for a year.
- Duties of Officers as a Group
- The elected officers of ISBA (President Elect, President, Past President, Executive Secretary and Treasurer) constitute the Executive Committee of the Board, which shall follow the general policies established by the Board and shall conduct the affairs of the Society between meetings of the Board.
- The Executive Committee shall report to the Board at each Board Meeting.
- The Executive Committee shall periodically formulate recommendations for action by the Board.
- Duties of Officers Individually
- The President chairs meetings of the Board, Executive Committee and General Membership. In the absence of the President, the President Elect chairs. In the absence of of both, the Past President chairs.
- The Executive Secretary records the actions taken at meetings of the Board, Executive Committee and General Membership. In the absence of the Executive Secretary, the chair of the meeting appoints a recording Secretary for that meeting, who transmits the minutes of that meeting to the Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary keeps lists of officers, Board members, Committee members and Society members, and sends and counts ballots when mail votes are taken.
- The Treasurer oversees the receipt and disbursement of all funds of ISBA, ensures that proper financial records are kept, and makes periodic financial reports to the Board.
- The Program Chair arranges and co-ordinates all activities associated with meetings in which ISBA is involved, and chairs the Program Council, consisting of the Vice Program Chair, Program Chair and Past Program Chair.
- The Board of Directors
- In addition to the elected officers, the Board consists of twelve persons elected for staggered three year terms.
- The Board is the policy making group in ISBA.
- Elections
- Only ISBA members are eligible for elections.
- ISBA does not pay a salary to Officers, Board Members or Committee Members.
- A Nominating Committee, chaired by the Past President and whose other members are appointed by the Board, shall nominate two or more members for each office. The Bylaws provide for additional nominations by member petition.
- Amendment and Procedures
- This Constitution takes precedence over the Bylaws, which take precedence over resolutions of the Board.
- The Constitution may be adopted and amended by a two-thirds vote of those ISBA members who return ballots in a mail vote.
- The Bylaws may be amended by majority vote in two successive Board meetings, with at least a two-week interval between the meetings.
- Board resolutions may be adopted by majority vote of the Board.