About ISBA News
ISBA members may post announcements of interest to the Bayesian statistics community, including announcements of conferences/workshops that are not officially sponsored or endorsed by ISBA. Upcoming ISBA-sponsored or endorsed events are listed on the upcoming meetings page. All submissions will be reviewed prior to being posted on this site. Please allow 1-2 business days for processing.
Call for ISBA Fellow Nominations
Nominations are now being accepted for new ISBA Fellows. Nominees must be current ISBA members and should have been members for the last three consecutive years, at least. The individual's contributions should have had a significant impact in promoting Bayesian ideas...
Call for 2019 DeGroot Prize Nominations
ISBA is pleased to call for submissions for the 2019 DeGroot prize. The deadline for submissions is June 21, 2019. Please prepare nominations as a single pdf file following the convention LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.pdf so the file name corresponds to the nominee and then...
Workshop on Risk Analysis for Extremes in the Earth System
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, California, USA.
SafeISBA Task Team Retires
The SafeISBA Task Team has completed its task and will transition to become the Professional Conduct Committee. As per our Bylaws, a standing Professional Conduct Committee will be responsible for updating and administering the Code of Conduct. Members of the...
CoC and Procedures Updated
In March 2019 the ISBA Board approved a major update to the CoC and Procedures. The Code of Conduct has been substantially rewritten to make the list of expectations shorter, the language more friendly and the range of influence more focused on what ISBA can...
42nd Research Students’ Conference in Probability and Statistics, RSC2019
RSC 2019
University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.
BayesComp20, Call for contributed sessions
BayesComp20 (2020)
Gainesville, Florida, USA.
The 4th EAC-ISBA Conference, July 13-14, 2019, Kobe, Japan
The Fourth EAC-ISBA conference will be held at the Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (July 13-14, 2019). The conference serves the Eastern Asia Chapter’s purpose of promoting research and education in Bayesian statistics in the area as well as the countries nearby. The...
ISIPTA 2019: one month until paper submission closes
Our first call for papers teasingly stated that "There's more to uncertainty than probabilities" and set out to convince you that ISIPTA 2019 is a good place for discussing such matters. If you did not receive our first call, or are still undecided about submitting a...
Full grants to study Master in Mathematical Engineering
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Madrid, Spain.