2023 ISBA Biostats and Pharma Best Paper Award

2023 ISBA Biostats and Pharma Best Paper Award Description: The ISBA Biostats and Pharma Best Paper Award is bestowed upon an individual or individuals based on their innovative use of Bayesian statistics to solve a high-impact problem in the biostatistical and...

7th EAC ISBA Conference

The School of Mathematics and Statistics of Qingdao University is proud to host the 7th EAC ISBA conference on June 23th-25th, 2023, which encourages the participation and academic exchange of scholars from around the world. The symposium will be hybrid, with...

Postdoc position in statistical data science for the sciences

A postdoctoral researcher position is open in Prof. Dr. David Ginsbourger’s uncertainty quantification and spatial statistics group at the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Bern, Switzerland. Context: The recruited postdoctoral...