2023 ISBA Biostats and Pharma Junior Researcher Award

Description: The ISBA Biostats and Pharma Junior Researcher Award is to be awarded to a student or early career researcher who has made important original contributions to either the foundations, theoretical developments, and/or general methodology of Bayesian analysis in the field of biostatistics or pharmaceutical statistics, or that has solved a substantive applied problem that has potential to impact statistical practice in the biological and pharmaceutical sciences. This paper competition is for completed research. The paper may be unsubmitted, submitted or under review, or published in a journal/conference proceeding either online or in print no more than 1 year prior to the application deadline. Preprints appearing on websites, such as the arXiv, do not preclude eligibility.

Eligibility: To be eligible for this award, the candidate must currently be a Ph.D. student or early career researcher who graduated after January 1, 2018. The candidate must also be a member of the Biostatistics and Pharmaceutical Statistics Section of ISBA at time of nomination.

Award: The winner of the ISBA Biostats and Pharma Junior Researcher Award will receive a monetary prize of $500, presented with an award certificate, and invited to present their paper during a webinar hosted by the Biostatistics and Pharmaceutical Statistics Section of ISBA.

Review Process: Papers will be reviewed by a paper competition committee appointed by the officers of the Biostatistics and Pharmaceutical Statistics Section of ISBA. Applicants will be notified by December 31, 2023, of the committee’s decision.

Submission: To submit a paper for the ISBA Biostats and Pharma Junior Researcher Award, please upload a paper in pdf including all author names and affiliations by May 31, 2023. If the work submitted is unpublished, then the paper submission should be double-spaced with at least 11-point font size and no longer than 30 pages including all figures, tables, and bibliography. Papers can be email using the following address: isba.biostatspharma@gmail.com

A cover letter with a short description of the contributions of the work to the field of biostatistics or pharmaceutical statistics should also be included.

Questions: For all questions, please send them to Tony at tpourmohamad@gmail.com.