València International Bayesian Summer School (VIBASS4)

We are happy to announce the València International Bayesian Summer School (VIBASS.4) that will take place from 12 to 16 July 2021 in València (Spain). VIBASS4 can be followed either on-site or on-line. VIBASS.4 is a 5-day summer school that offers an introduction to...

Announcement to ISBA community regarding ISBA 2021

The ISBA Executive Committee and Program Council have decided to convert the ISBA 2021 World Meeting to a virtual conference to be held during the week of June 28 – July 2, 2021. The current plan is to offer free attendance to the virtual conference. The...

Election Results 2020

ISBA Election Results, 2020 Election for 2021+ Terms of Office President-Elect: Sudipto Banerjee, UCLA. ISBA Board: Veronica Berrocal, University of California, Irvine Cathy W.S. Chen, Feng Chia University David Dahl, Brigham Young University Mario Peruggia, The Ohio...