About ISBA News
ISBA members may post announcements of interest to the Bayesian statistics community, including announcements of conferences/workshops that are not officially sponsored or endorsed by ISBA. Upcoming ISBA-sponsored or endorsed events are listed on the upcoming meetings page. All submissions will be reviewed prior to being posted on this site. Please allow 1-2 business days for processing.
12th Annual Bayesian Econometrics Workshop of the Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
06/14/2018 to 06/15/2018 Rimini, Italy A two day conference where papers that have been submitted and...
Bayescomp 2018 registration now open
Conference Bayes Comp 2018: Call for contributed sessions, posters and registration Bayes Comp is a biennial conference sponsored by the ISBA section of the same name. The conference and the section both aim to promote original research into computational methods for...
BAYSM 2018
Dear all, We kindly invite participation in the 4th edition of BAYSM to be held at the University of Warwick on 2-3 July 2018! This will be the fourth edition of an exciting platform for young researchers in Bayesian statistics, which aims at encouraging discussion,...
Junior Travel Support for OBayes17
Junior Travel Support available for the OBayes17 meeting, UT Austin, from Su Dec 10 - We Dec 13. More details here:
New j-ISBA website now live
Be sure to check out the Junior Section of ISBA's new website.
Bayesian Analysis: September issue now available
The September issue of Bayesian Analysis is available online at This issue includes 11 regular papers as well as a new invited review paper. The review paper is written by Nalan Baştürk, Lennart Hoogerheide, and Herman K....
Bayesian Analysis: Call for contributed discussions of “Uncertainty Quantification for the Horseshoe”
The December issue will feature the discussion paper: ``Uncertainty Quantification for the Horseshoe'' by Stéphanie van der Pas, Botond Szabó, and Aad van der Vaart. The invited discussants of it will be Ismael Castillo, Ryan Martin and Nic Polson. The paper is...
ISBA Awards Announced at JSM
Congratulations to the winners of the Mitchell Prize and Savage Awards announced last week at JSM! 2016 Mitchell Prize Lin Lin, Greg Finak, Kevin Ushey, Chetan Seshadri, Thomas R Hawn, Nicole Frahm, Thomas J Scriba, Hassan Mahomed, Willem Hanekom,...
Special Issue of ASMBI Honoring Kathryn Chaloner
Special issue of Applied Stochastic Models for Business and Industry in honor of Kathryn Chaloner is available online until August 13th at
StanCon 2018
StanCon 2018 will take place over three days, from Wednesday January 10, 2018 to Friday January 12, 2018, at the beautiful Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove, California. In addition to talks and open discussion, this year we’ll also have dedicated time for...