ISBA News 

About ISBA News

ISBA members may post announcements of interest to the Bayesian statistics community, including announcements of conferences/workshops that are not officially sponsored or endorsed by ISBA.  Upcoming ISBA-sponsored or endorsed events are listed on the upcoming meetings page.  All submissions will be reviewed prior to being posted on this site.  Please allow 1-2 business days for processing.

COBAL VI Call for Contributions

VI COBAL: CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS The VI Latinamerican Bayesian Conference ( will take place in Lima, Peru on June 19 - 21, 2019. The meeting will be hosted by the campus of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. This is the...

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Election Results

ISBA Election Results, 2018 Election for 2019+ Terms of Office President-Elect: Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Wirtschafts Universität Wien Executive Secretary: Feng Liang, University of Illinois Board of Directors: Eduardo Gutiérrez Peña, Universidad Nacional Autónoma...

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call for abstracts: BAYES 2019

hi all: The call for abstract for BAYES 2019 ( is now open. The meeting will take place from May 21 to 24, 2019, in Lyon, France. Please send abstract (Title + Authors + Max 300 words) to before March 1st 2019. For...

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2018 Lindley Prize – deadline extended to Sept. 15th

The Prize Committee of ISBA is pleased to call for submissions for the 2018 Lindley Prize. The 2018 Lindley Prize will be awarded for innovative research in Bayesian statistics that is accepted for publication in Bayesian Analysis for papers presented at the ISBA 2018...

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