7th Latin-American Meeting on Bayesian Statistics (COBAL) & 17th Brazilian Meeting on Bayesian Statistics (EBEB)***Calls for Proposed Thematic Sessions, Oral and Poster presentations are now open!***

7th Latin-American Meeting on Bayesian Statistics (COBAL) 17th Brazilian Meeting on Bayesian Statistics (EBEB). December 2nd-6th, 2024 The 7th Latin-American Meeting on Bayesian Statistics (COBAL) will be held at Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo...

ISBA 2024 Accommodation

Venice in July is very busy, so we encourage you to make accommodation arrangements early! Below, please find information about several hotels that are offering discounts to ISBA members. Some are in Venice, others are in Mestre on the mainland. Mestre is conveniently...

7th EAC ISBA Conference

The School of Mathematics and Statistics of Qingdao University is proud to host the 7th EAC ISBA conference on June 23th-25th, 2023, which encourages the participation and academic exchange of scholars from around the world. The symposium will be hybrid, with...