Section on Bayesian Computation
Over the past twenty years, Bayesian computation has been a tremendous catalyst in Bayesian ideas reaching practitioners – statisticians and non-statisticians alike. It has also provided a fantastic arena for original research in algorithmic statistics and numerical probability, not to mention other fields at the interface. At this more mature stage of its development, at a time when ambitions of statisticians and the expectations on statistics grow, Bayesian computation must remain a major area of research and innovation. If it does, then principled methods of statistical analysis can continue to be both readily available and customarily implemented, as we deal with data on a (much) larger scale, in higher dimensions and with more complex structure.
We invite all members with (any degree of) interest in computation for Bayesian inference to join the newly created ISBA Section on Bayesian Computation (BayesComp) – and that means both researchers involved in developing new computational methods and associated theory, and users of Bayesian statistical methods interested in implementing, sharing, disseminating, or learning best practice. The purposes of the Section are as multifaceted as the aspects of Bayesian computation, including promoting original research into computational methods for inference and decision making, encouraging the use of frontier computational tools among practitioners, the development of adapted software, languages, platforms, and dedicated machines, and translating and disseminating among statisticians methods developed in other disciplines.
To address these purposes, the Section will – among other activities – organise conferences, workshops, short courses, webinars, and sessions in other meetings like ISBA and JSM, and will develop and maintain a website of information, tools, and advice as an authoritative central resource for Bayesian computation.
Section Chair: Chris Oates, Newcastle University (2023-2025)
Section Chair-Elect: Anirban Bhattacharya, Texas A&M University (2023-2025)
Program Chair: Antonio Linero, University of Texas, Austin (2023-2025)
Secretary: Aki Nishmura, Johns Hopkins University (2025-2026)
Treasurer: Susan Wei, University of Melbourne (2025-2026)
Annual: 10 USD
Lifetime: 150 USD
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BayesComp 2025
BayesComp2025 is the official meeting of the Bayesian Computation Section of ISBA and it is endorsed by the Section of Bayesian Statistical Sciences of the ASA. This is a biennial conference focusing on the computational aspects of Bayesian statistics.
January 28, 2025
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BayesComp 2023: call for invited session proposals, deadline August 7
The call for invited session proposals is now open for BayesComp 2023. Proposals will be accepted until Sunday, August 7 @ 11:55pm (U.S. Pacific time; UTC -8). To submit your proposal, please go to Your submission should include a short description, as well as a list of 3 speakers and a session chair. You […]
July 10, 2022
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