Call for 2020 Savage Award Nominations
ISBA is pleased to call for submissions to the 2020 Savage Award. The deadline for submissions is July 20, 2020. Please prepare nominations as a single pdf file following the convention LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.pdf so the file name corresponds to the nominee and then...Call for 2020 Zellner Medal Nominations
Nominations are now being accepted for the ISBA Zellner Medal, which recognizes ISBA members who have rendered exceptional and distinguished service to ISBA over an extended period of time, and whose contributions have had an impact on the society beyond the time of...ABC in Grenoble 2020
Grenoble, France
Call for Poster Proposals – the 5th EAC-ISBA Meeting, June 26-27, 2020, Dali, China
The 5th EAC-ISBA Meeting will be held in Dali, China during June 26 – 27, 2020. This meeting will be a satellite meeting of the 2020 ISBA World Meeting and a special celebration of James O Berger’s 70th birthday. The meeting will feature 12 keynote...Bocconi Summer School in Advanced Statistics and Probability
Villa del Grumello,
Lake of Como, Italy.