The Prize Committee of ISBA is pleased to call for submissions for the 2023 DeGroot prize. The deadline for submission is May 31, 2025.

Please prepare nominations as a single pdf file following the convention LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.pdf so the file name corresponds to the nominee and then email them to, provided the file is less than 25MB. For files larger than 25MB, contact the ISBA Prize Committee at to make appropriate alternative arrangements.

The DeGroot Prize is awarded to the author or authors of a published book in Statistical Science. For details on the DeGroot Prize, including names of past winners and eligibility details please visit The prize includes a check for $1500. The winner(s) will be announced at the ISBA World Meeting in Nagoya, Japan, 2026.

Nominations for the DeGroot Prize may be made by any ISBA or SBSS member. To join ISBA please go to