j-ISBA Section – Bylaws
- The name of the section: The Junior ISBA section (j-ISBA).
- Aims:
- To promote and provide a forum for early career Bayesian researchers.
- To organise conferences, workshops, and sessions in other meetings.
- To provide social networking tools for early career Bayesian researchers in order to discuss research, exchange ideas with each other, and connect with the Bayesian community at large.
- The offices, duties and terms of offices:
- The offices are Chair, Chair-elect, Program chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
- The Program chair, Treasurer and Secretary are elected by the membership for staggered two year terms. The Chair is initially elected as Chair-elect for one year, serving as Chair the following year. All other offices are open for election every two years whose terms start on January 1st following their election.
- The officers constitute the ISBA/j-ISBA Executive Committee, which shall follow the general policies established by the ISBA Board and shall conduct the affairs of the section between meetings of the Board. The ISBA/j-ISBA Executive Committee shall report to the Board at each Board meeting. The report can be in writing.
- The Section Chair convenes and chairs meetings of the Executive Committee and the Section Membership. Additionally the Chair is responsible for writing the section reports that are submitted to the President of ISBA each year and reporting activities in the ISBA bulletin. The Program-Chair coordinates activities associated with conferences, workshops, and sessions in other meetings. The Secretary maintains the section website and a list of members. Additionally he/she is responsible for taking notes at section meetings and sending out email announcements to the members. The Treasurer oversees the receipt and disbursement of all funds of j-ISBA, ensures that proper financial records are kept, and makes periodic financial reports to the Board.
- The right to enter into legal contracts for ISBA or ISBA/j-ISBA is vested solely in the ISBA Executive Committee.
- How elections of Section officers are to be conducted:
The section members vote to elect nominated members for the position of Chair-Elect, Program Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer concurrently with the ISBA elections. The Chair-Elect will become Chair at the end of the current Chair’s one year term. Each year, a five-member j-ISBA Nominating Committee will nominate candidates for section offices that will be vacated at the end of the year. Three members of the Committee will be elected by the Executive Committee of the j-ISBA section based on suggestions from the Section membership. To facilitate this process, for every election year, the Section Chair will request suggestions from the Section members. The Executive Committee will elect three members from the suggested names and appoint one of the three members as Chair of the Nominating Committee. The remaining two positions in the committee will be filled by two of the current officers who will be replaced in the upcoming election. The j-ISBA Nominating Committee selects and gets consent to stand for election from at least two members for each office. These nomination will be submitted to the ISBA Executive Secretary by August 15th. - How membership in the Section is defined:
Membership in the j-ISBA section has three requirements: First, one must be an ISBA member. Second, one must be a student or within 5 years of having completed her/his degree. Third, one must pay the Section membership fee. The Section membership fee is set by the j-ISBA Executive Committee and approved by the ISBA Board by resolution. Should an officer become ineligible under the second requirement, he/she will be allowed to retain section membership by paying the annual section dues and finish serving his/her term. - Finances and revenue:
The Section will aim to ensure revenue neutrality with regard to its short courses and workshops/conferences. Course fees and workshop/conference registrations together with funds from other sources, including ISBA and external sponsors, will be primarily used to offset costs and ensure participant support. Any surpluses generated will be retained by the Section to use in support of future courses and workshops/conferences. - The method of amendment of the bylaws:
The Section Bylaws may be amended by majority vote in two successive Board meetings, with at least a two-week interval between the meetings. The Section will be considered inactive and dissolved by the ISBA Board by resolution if no report is submitted for 2 consecutive years, or no elections take place within 4 years. Provisions in the ISBA Bylaws and Constitution will apply in connection with any issues that are not specifically addressed in the Section Bylaws.
Last updated August 17, 2017.