Donations to ISBA

We appreciate your kind donation!


ISBA stewards conservatively-managed accounts containing funds for several specific purposes. Additional contributions beyond the initial endowments are needed to sustain efforts. Please consider supporting some of the prizes and travel awards sponsored by ISBA
General Fund

Please make a donation to the ISBA General Fund. This provides the Board of Directors with the most flexibility as funds can be used to start new initiatives or existing activities that need support.
Bayesian Analysis

Please help support costs for publication and the review system for Bayesian Analysis, the Society's highly ranked open access journal!
DeGroot Prize

ISBA maintains an endowment fund to support offering the periodic awarding of the DeGroot Prize to the author or authors of an outstanding book on statistical science.
Lindley Prize

ISBA maintains an endowment fund to support offering the periodic awarding of the Lindley Prize for an outstanding paper at an ISBA world meeting.
Mitchell Prize

ISBA maintains an endowment fund to support offering the periodic awarding of the Mitchell Prize for a Bayesian analysis of an important applied problem.
Savage Prize

ISBA maintains an endowment fund to support offering the periodic awarding of the Savage Award for outstanding doctoral dissertations in Bayesian statistics. Funds may also be used to help finalists attend the ISBA World Meeting or the Joint Statistics Meeting to present their dissertation research.
Pilar Iglesias Fund

A fund in memory of Pilar Iglesias has now been established by ISBA to endow an award in her name, to be given in perpetuity. The award provides travel grants for one or two graduate students or young researchers from a developing nation so that they can participate in an ISBA World Meeting .
ISBA Lifetime Members Junior Researcher Award

ISBA maintains a fund devoted to supporting Junior Researchers (ISBA members who are graduate students or who received the PhD or equivalent degree within four years) so that they can participate in an ISBA World Meeting.
Graduate Travel Award Fund

ISBA maintains a fund devoted towards defraying some of the expenses for some graduate students or young researchers so that they can participate in an ISBA World Meeting.
Thomas Bayes Tomb Maintenance Fund

ISBA maintains a small fund, replenished by member donations, devoted towards continuing the upkeep of the tomb of the Reverand Thomas Bayes, namesake of ISBA, into the future.
Total Amount
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Please input "no affiliation" if you are not affiliated with any organization.
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