About ISBA News
ISBA members may post announcements of interest to the Bayesian statistics community, including announcements of conferences/workshops that are not officially sponsored or endorsed by ISBA. Upcoming ISBA-sponsored or endorsed events are listed on the upcoming meetings page. All submissions will be reviewed prior to being posted on this site. Please allow 1-2 business days for processing.
Call for Papers: Special Issue on New Frontiers in Reliability and Risk Analysis: A Tribute to Nozer D. Singpurwalla
Call for Papers Special Issue on New Frontiers in Reliability and Risk Analysis: A Tribute to Nozer D. Singpurwalla A Special Issue of the journal Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (ASMBI), will be...
2024 ASA-SBSS Student Paper Competition
2024 SBSS Student Paper Competition: The ASA Section on Bayesian Statistical Science (SBSS) is pleased to announce a student paper competition for research on Bayesian methodology, which may be broadly construed and includes applied, computational, or theoretical...
Time Series and Forecasting Symposium (TSF2023) 20-21/11/2023 Sydney – Call for Participation
The Time Series & Forecasting Symposium is an annual research event of the Time Series and Forecasting Research Group, the University of Sydney Business School. This symposium aims to promote time series analysis and forecasting in business and other areas. We...
CALL FOR PAPERS: New Frontiers in Reliability and Risk Analysis: A Tribute to Nozer D. Singpurwalla
New Frontiers in Reliability and Risk Analysis: A Tribute to Nozer D. Singpurwalla The research symposium “New Frontiers in Reliability and Risk Analysis: A Tribute to Nozer D. Singpurwalla” will be held at the George Washington University during October 13-14, 2023....
Sydney Mathematical Research Institute
Sydney, Australia
Tutorial “Bayesian Semiparametric Regression”, Berlin, Dec 13-14, 2023
Tutorial "Bayesian Semiparametric Regression", Berlin, Dec 13-14, 2023 Semiparametric regression models overcome some of the restrictions of classical forms of regression models such as (i) the linearity of covariate effects, (ii) the independence of observations, or...
Workshop on Advances in Bayesian Statistics
Workshop on Advances in Bayesian Statistics, in honor of Piero Veronese Bocconi University, Milan, 12 June 2023 Participation is free but registration is kindly...
7th EAC ISBA Conference
The School of Mathematics and Statistics of Qingdao University is proud to host the 7th EAC ISBA conference on June 23th-25th, 2023, which encourages the participation and academic exchange of scholars from around the world. The symposium will be hybrid, with...
2023 ISBA Biostats and Pharma Best Paper Award
2023 ISBA Biostats and Pharma Best Paper Award Description: The ISBA Biostats and Pharma Best Paper Award is bestowed upon an individual or individuals based on their innovative use of Bayesian statistics to solve a high-impact problem in the biostatistical and...
2023 ISBA Biostats and Pharma Junior Researcher Award
2023 ISBA Biostats and Pharma Junior Researcher Award Description: The ISBA Biostats and Pharma Junior Researcher Award is to be awarded to a student or early career researcher who has made important original contributions to either the foundations, theoretical...