Zellner Medal
The Zellner Medal honors Arnold Zellner, one of the founders of ISBA and ISBA’s first president. The purpose of the Zellner Medal is to recognize ISBA members who have rendered exceptional and distinguished service to ISBA over an extended period of time, and whose contributions have had an impact on the society beyond the time of his or her incumbency.
Eligibility and Application Procedure
The Zellner Medal is restricted to current ISBA members. Candidates should have been members of ISBA for the last three consecutive years, at least, and served ISBA in a range of leadership roles over an extended period of time.
The Zellner Medal will be given every even year to, at most, two recipients, selected by a Committee consisting of three former ISBA Presidents, not serving ISBA as current officers. Nominations may be made by any ISBA member, and should include letters of endorsement from five ISBA members, other than the nominee. Individuals may provide letters of endorsement for at most two nominations in a given year.
The Zellner Medal is presented every two years at the ISBA World Meeting.

Raquel Prado (2022)
For her outstanding and sustained leadership contributions to ISBA, including transformative contributions to ISBA World Meeting organization and to the establishment and continuing development of professional and community standards as well as outstanding contributions to the broad field of Bayesian analysis.

Herman K. Van Djik (2022)
For being an early supporters of ISBA, one of the most influential Bayesians amongst econometricians, and for being an outstanding Bayesian scholar who has advanced the Zellner-tradition in economic statistics through fundamental contributions to simulation-based Bayesian econometric techniques for inference, forecasting, and decision analysis.

Marina Vannucci (2020)
Honored for “her effort in pushing the modernization, efficiency and standing of the flagship journal of ISBA, Bayesian Analysis, for fostering the collaboration between ISBA and other statistical societies, and for her contribution to establishing long-standing ethical guidelines for all ISBA members.”

Alicia Carriquiry (2020)
Honored for “her leading roles in the formation and development of ISBA and the journal Bayesian Analysis; for sustained and exceptional service to the society through outstanding impact in many administrative roles and conference organization; for being an ambassador for ISBA, especially in the extensive developments of Chapters and conferences in South America; for being an excellent role model and advocate for young statisticians; and for outstanding contributions to science and the advocacy of Bayesian methods in science.”

James Berger (2018)
Honored for “his deep and foundational contributions to Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis, his prominent role in the Valencia and ISBA Meetings and Journal, his services as President of ISBA, his outreach as Director of SAMSI, Editor of the Annals of Statistics and in the organization of several workshops, for his leadership in the creation and development of the Section of Objective Bayes, for his sustained role as supervisor of generations of first-class researchers and for his legendary welcoming net to visitors from all over the world.”

Peter Mueller (2018)
Honored for “for sustained and exceptional service to the society through outstanding impact in his many administrative roles, for being a major figure in organizing and planning conferences, for being an excellent role model and advocate for young statisticians, and for his transformative research in Bayesian nonparametrics, optimal design, dynamic modeling, multiple testing and biostatistics among other areas.”

Merlise Clyde (2016)
Honored for “her outstanding contributions, sustained impact and legacy in ISBA leadership; and in recognition of her career impact in development of Bayesian analysis as a research, educational and professional leader.”

Stephen Fienberg (2016)
Honored for “his leading roles in the formation and development of ISBA, and sustained impact as ambassador for the society and profession; and in recognition of his premier contributions and broad-ranging impact on the development of Bayesian analysis.”

Fabrizio Ruggeri (2014)
Honored for “his outstanding service to ISBA and ISBA local chapters around the world and his fundamental contributions in theory, methodology and novel applications of Bayesian philosophy.”

Mike West (2014)
Honored for “a scientific life spent always at the top and a vision of the future which became reality, from the work to establish ISBA as a society to its construction on sound bases.”
Founders Award (now the Zellner Medal)

Arnold Zellner (1988)
“In deep appreciation for his unflagging enthusiasm and irrepressible spirit, his zealous advocacy of the Bayesian method, his profound Bayesian research contributions, his outreach to researchers and statistical groups around the world, and especially his leadership of the Bayesian movement as the founding President of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis.”