Bruno de Finetti Lecture
The Bruno de Finetti Lecture is delivered at the ISBA World Meetings by an outstanding scholar who has provided significant contributions to the advancement of Bayesian Statistics. The lecture was created to honor de Finetti’s influential work and is funded by an endowment created by numerous scholars and Italian institutions to mark the 30th anniversary of his death in 2015.

Mike West (2022)
“Subjectivist Model Uncertainty Analysis for Prediction and Decisions”
2022 ISBA World Meeting
Montreal, CA
ISBA Virtual Conference (2021)
– James Berger(Speaker): Duke University, Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor Emeritus
– Luis Pericchi(Speaker): University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras, Professor
– Igor Pruenster(Speaker): Bocconi University, Professor of Statistics
– Bruno Sanso(Chair): University of California Santa Cruz, Professor
2021 ISBA World Meeting

Philip Dawid (2018)
“Bruno de Finetti’s Objectivity”
2018 ISBA World Meeting
Edinburgh, UK

Persi Diaconis (2016)
“Building a Priori Knowledge into Conclusions Drawn from Simulations”
2016 ISBA World Meeting
Sardinia, IT