Nominee Information Display – Mr. Jack Jewson

Position Title/Affiliation
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Position Being Sought 2023
j-ISBA Secretary
Candidate Statement 2023
I am currently a Post-Doc Research Fellow at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain which I started after completing my PhD at the University of Warwick, in collaboration with the University of Oxford, as part of the OxWaSP CDT. In April 2024 I will start as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University. My research interests are generalised Bayesian updating, model misspecification and Bayesian structural learning.

I would like to give back to a community that I have found extremely rewarding to be a part of. My experiences at ISBA World Meetings and Section Area Conferences have always been positive. I have felt welcome at these conferences and have left many of these meetings genuinely inspired. Being on the j-ISBA committee would provide me with the platform to ensure that fellow young Bayesians have similarly positive experiences at meetings going forward and that they have the correct platform to share their ideas and engage with the wider ISBA community.