Meeting Updates
Please check this page regularly for updates on the 2020 ISBA World Meeting.
Provisional Schedule for the World Meeting – Now Available
A provisional schedule for the 2018 ISBA World Meeting is now available on the Program page.
Early Registration Deadline Extended to April 15, 2018
Due to the large number of poster abstracts received, acceptance decisions will be slightly delayed. As a result, the deadline for early registration has been pushed back until April 15, 2018.
Registration and abstract submission are now open!
Please see the Registration and Abstract Submission page for more information. (If you tried to register recently and received an error, please register again as an issue with our payment system has been resolved.)
Update on ISBA 2018 Registration/Abstract Submission
Registration and the submission portal for contributed talks/posters at the 2018 ISBA World Meeting is expected to open on Tuesday, January 16, 2018.
de Finetti Lecturer Announced
Philip Dawid, Emeritus Professor of Statistics at the University of Cambridge, was selected to give the de Finetti Lecture.