FAQS – Prior to the Meeting
How do I get a visa?
If you are travelling from overseas you may require an entry visa. A European visa does not guarantee entry to the UK. Please use this link to the UK Visas site to find out if you need a visa and if so how to apply for one. A letter of invitation can be obtained from the Organizing Committee for the purpose of the VISA request (or for other purposes) by directly contacting the Organizing Secretariat at isba2018@maths.ed.ac.uk. The letter will be sent to you by e-mail as a pdf file.
Can I get a letter of invitation for my visa?
Do I need insurance?
ISBA and The University of Edinburgh cannot accept responsibility for accidents or damage to participants or accompanying persons before, during or after the Congress. Participants are urged to make their own arrangements with respect to insurance.
Will I be able to get a certificate of attendance?
What is the weather like in Edinburgh?
BBC Weather Centre
The BBC weather forecasting service page for Edinburgh.
The Met Office
The UK weather forecasting service’s 5 day forecast for south east Scotland.
More information about travel and lodging can be found here.
FAQS – At the Meeting
When does the conference start and end?
The conference will start with Short Courses on Sunday 24th June 2018 and the lectures will start on Monday 25th June at 09.00 and will finish on Friday 29th June at approximately 18.00, followed by the conference dinner and céilidh that evening.
When is the conference venue open?
The building will open at 08.30 each day and will close at approximately 23.30 after the poster session.
When does the registration desk open?
The registration desk will be open 30 minutes prior the beginning of the Congress and will close 30 minutes after the end of the scientific sessions.
In addition, due to the large number of delegates attending the meeting, the registration desk will be open at certain times on Sunday 24 June. We would encourage any delegates who will be in Edinburgh on the Sunday to come along to the meeting venue to register during the following times: 08.00-11.00, and 16.00-18.00.
Can I use my own laptop to give my talk?
You may give your presentation from our lecture theatre computer via a USB data stick or you may attach your own laptop to the lecture theatre facilities. If you choose to bring your own laptop you should note the following important information.
The data projector is a high definition widescreen device. Although the screen on your laptop may not necessarily be high definition and/or widescreen, the graphics card within your laptop will more than likely be capable of driving a widescreen external display thus when you connect your laptop to our projector, it will display the output in widescreen. This means that mathematical shapes (e.g. a circle) that display correctly on your laptop (in non-widescreen format) may appear mishapen on the projection screen because it is displaying the output in widescreen.
You may wish to experiment by connecting your laptop to a widescreen display (projector or monitor) before you arrive in order to check if there are any problems with your presentation.
Where are the poster sessions?
The poster sessions will be held in the concourse and mezzanine areas of Appleton Tower and at the Informatics Forum Foyer.
Where can I get my poster printed?
There are a number of copy shops around the venue area where you can have your poster printed. The ones nearest to the conference venue are:
Teviot Print Shop, 13 Bristo Square, Edinburgh. Tel: 0131 650 3015 http://www.teviotprintshop.com/
Colour Copy Centre, 13 Forrest Rd, Edinburgh. Tel: 0131 226 4353
Copy Stop Edinburgh, 22 Morrison Street, Edinburgh. Tel: 0131 228 5238 http://www.edinburghcopyshop.co.uk/
What size should my poster be?
The poster size is A0, 118 cm (height) and 84 cm (width), inches 47 (height) and inches 33 (width). If you have any question or doubt please contact the Organizing Secretariat.
Is the conference dinner/céilidh at the conference venue?
No, it is at the National Museum of Scotland. For more information, see information under “Venue” here.
Can I bring my partner/friend to the dinner/lunch/conference/poster session?
Delegates are welcome to bring their partners to the conference dinner and céilidh but the remainder of the conference is reserved for registered delegates only. Payment will be required for the dinner.
What is there to do in Edinburgh when I'm not at the conference?
Please see the information in “About Edinburgh” here.
Is there onsite childcare?
We do want to provide as much practical support as we can. However, ISBA 2018 cannot provide childcare onsite and we are not able to recommend a particular provider. Services may be organized through the following website: www.childcare.co.uk. This site contains qualified and vetted childcare providers for delegates to choose from. Delegates will be required to arrange and pay for any required childcare.
Are children allowed in the conference building?
(REVISED) Due to child safety reasons, children must be under close supervision of their parents at all times, and will only be allowed into the venue for short periods, i.e., during lunchbreaks, or to allow for childcare handovers between parents. Also, due child safety reasons, the University of Edinburgh does not admit children in the seminar room or lecture theatre during meetings. Exceptional circumstances, include, breastfeeding mothers who will be allowed to bring babies into the building to allow feeding, and will be provided with a quiet/private space to feed should you wish to feed away from the main spaces in the building. By law, in Scotland a woman can breastfeed at any public place.
How do I access Wifi at the conference?
The most secure and reliable way to connect your devices to wifi during the meeting is to use EDUROAM. It is advised that delegated register with EDUROAM in advance of attending the meeting. This will then allow wifi connectivity in the University of Edinburgh buildings. Further details are available here.
Contact Information
For other queries, please contact
ICMS (International Centre for Mathematical Sciences)
E-mail: isba2018@maths.ed.ac.uk