Event Request

Sponsorship/Co-Sponsorship Application Information

To request sponsorship/co-sponsorship of an event, please review the guidelines.  An application containing the following information as a single PDF files should be sent to program-council@bayesian.org.

  1. Meeting Title
  2. Dates
  3. Location  
    Provide the city, state (if applicable), and country.
  4. Venue  
    Provide the name/address of the hotel, conference center, or university where event will take place. If images are available please attach them below.
  5. Website  
    Provide the URL for the meeting website (if available).
  6. Description
  7. Organizing Committee  
    Provide the name and contact information of the chair (and other members) of the local organizing committee. This local organizing committee has primary responsibility for the usual organizational tasks and local funding of the meeting.
  8. Registration Fees  
    Registration fees for ISBA members (or expected fees if not yet set). These should be translated to US dollars. ISBA members and ISBA student members must receive a discount on meeting registration.
  9. Expected Number of Attendees  
    Provide the expected number of attendees to break even, as well.
  10. Co-Sponsors  
    Name of other societies, organizations, or institutions that will co-sponsor the meeting. Please indicate if they will provide funding and amount. Enter TBA if unknown or none if there are no other co-sponsors.
  11. Outside Funding  
    List sources for expected or committed funding and amounts. Please indicate if committed or planned and who will submit (name and role – local organizers, section, program council, etc). Any funding agreements should be included with the application when available.
  12. Budget  
    The budget should provide as much detail as possible for expenses (conference facilities, A/V, excursions, receptions, refreshments, conference dinner, etc) broken down by fixed costs and per/participant costs, suggested registration fee, expected participant costs (hotels, shuttles), and sources of revenue (expected and committed). The budget may be updated as more information becomes available.
  13. Amount Requested  
    Please provide the amount of ISBA support requested in US dollars. ISBA provides limited funds to support chapter meetings and section meetings. Funds should be used to support junior researchers, preferably students and justification provided in the proposal.

  14. If this is a section meeting, please provide the amount of ISBA section funds that will be used. Provide an additional explanation in proposal if there are multiple sections.
  15. Insurance  
    Please provide any details about insurance coverage that will be provided by the host site (cancellation of event, medical liability, damage to property) or indicate whether ISBA needs to provide coverage. If contracts are available, please include them.
  16. Contact Name  
    Please provide the name and contact information for the person submitting this request.


Endorsement Application Information

To request endorsement of an event, please review the guidelines.  An application containing the following information as a single PDF files should be sent to program-council@bayesian.org.

  1. Meeting Title
  2. Dates
  3. Location  
    Provide the city, state (if applicable), and country.
  4. Website  
    Provide the URL for the meeting website (if available).
  5. Description
  6. ISBA Representatives
    List any ISBA members who are on the Program Committee or that are involved in organization of the meeting.
  7. Registration Fees  
    Registration fees for ISBA members (or expected fees if not yet set). These should be translated to US dollars. ISBA members and ISBA student members must receive a discount on meeting registration.
  8. Presentations
    Will ISBA members be able to present contributed papers, posters, or both?
  9. Primary Sponsor
    Name of society or organization that is the primary sponsor of this meeting. If none, list individuals who are financially responsible for the meeting (do not include ISBA).
  10. Contact Name  
    Please provide the name and contact information for the person submitting this request.