The Barcelona School of Economics will be offering between 3 and 6 of May a course delivered both online and on-campus, on Bayesian Learning and Applications for the Social Sciences

If you are a researcher, or a Ph.D./MSc student working either on Statistics, Economics, or Social Sciences, with this course you will learn to analyze large and complex data with modern statistical, Bayesian, and machine learning methods.

The course focuses on problems where one wishes to obtain statistically valid inference on parameters, hypotheses, or probabilistic forecasts, rather than on purely point predictions. We discuss Bayesian methodology as a natural probabilistic machine learning framework for such tasks, and their interplay with complementary penalized likelihood and conformal inference methods.

Bayesian Learning and Applications for the Social Sciences is a rigorous course that combines lectures with practical sessions in a thorough way and is particularly addressed to Master’s and PhD students working on Statistics, Economics, or Social Sciences. *It is directed by Prof. David Rossell, director of the BSE Master’s in Data Science Methodology and of the BSE Data Science Center.*

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from leading researchers in the development of Bayesian methods and their applications!

Contact us at if you have any doubts. We’ll be glad to help!