- Dates: April 7-11, 2025
- Location: Online
- Website: https://baysm2025.github.io/
Details: BAYSM 2025 is the official meeting of the j-ISBA Section of ISBA. The conference is aimed at providing a platform for young statisticians to present their research and engage with the broader Bayesian community. The meeting encourages early-career researchers’ participation and offers networking and professional development opportunities. Keynote talks by Samuel Livingstone, Julia Palacios, Fernando Quintana, Surya Tokdar, Stéphanie van der Pas. Blackwell-Rosenbluth Award Talks by Fan Bu, Raaz Dwivedi, Qian Qin, Giovanni Rebaudo, Tommaso Rigon, and Francesca Romana Crucinio. This year the conference will be online. Therefore, the meeting facilitates removing participation barriers for individuals in regions where travel is challenging. Registration fees are 5$ for j-ISBA members and free for people who reside and work in countries with a per capita GNI not exceeding $6,000 per person. Registration is mandatory for everyone and required to receive the link to attend the conference.