Congratulations to the 2024 cohort of ISBA Fellows!

  • Guido Consonni: In recognition of his commitment to mentoring junior statisticians, his significant methodological and theoretical contributions, particularly in objective Bayes and graphical modeling, and his leadership and service to the Bayesian community, particularly within Italy.
  • Francesca Dominici: For her methodological contributions to Bayesian statistics, via advanced hierarchical modeling for studying health effects of air pollution and innovative approaches to causal inference; for her service to ISBA via top-tier scientific leadership; for her far-reaching personal and scientific mentorship of students and junior researchers.
  • Paul Fearnhead: For his outstanding contributions to computational Bayesian statistics, particularly to particle filtering, sequential Monte Carlo, semi-automatic ABC and continuous-time Monte Carlo methods; for significantly advocating Bayesian methodology in genetics and in health science; for his exceptional service to statistics through editorship of Biometrika; and for his inspirational leadership within the UK statistics community, including the training of a largenumber of junior Bayesian researchers.
  • Alessandra Guglielmi: For her unwavering dedication to the advancement and broadening of Bayesian analysis across various domains, including health care and gender gaps; for her contributions to the foundational aspects of Bayesian nonparametrics and especially to the theoretical underpinnings of random partition models; for her service to ISBA in many roles; and for her exemplary dedication to scientific rigor and to mentoring junior researchers in Bayesian statistics.
  • Alejandro Jara: For outstanding contributions to theoretical foundations and statistical computation in the field of Bayesian Nonparametrics, for exceptional service to ISBA, for the masterful organization of Bayesian scientific events and for meaningful statistical outreach and impact across society at large, including critical assistance to the Chilean Ministry of Health in the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Rosangela Loschi: In recognition of her outstanding leadership and dedication to promoting Bayesian ideas, especially within Brazil and Latin America, her methodological and theoretical contributions, particularly in random partition models, change point problems, and multivariate analysis, and her commitment to mentoring junior statisticians.
  • Li Ma: For his highly innovative and elegant contributions to theory and methods in Bayesian nonparametric inference; for his outstanding contributions to biomedical sciences in developing statistical approaches for microbiome data; for his exceptional service to ISBA; and for generously devoting time to valuable service to the broader scientific community.
  • Giovanni Parmigiani: For his outstanding contributions to principled Bayesian statistics with a decision theoretic flavor, and for his transformative work in risk prediction within oncology; for his impact in advancing the use and understanding of Bayesian statistics in the medical community; for his service to ISBA; and for his mentorship of students and young researchers.
  • Adrian Raferty: In recognition of a sustained record of high-impact research in Bayesian methodology and applications in multiple fields, pioneering work in probabilistic forecasting in meteorology and climatology, and major leadership contributions to Bayesian statistics in sociology and allied areas of the social sciences, particularly in demography.
  • Alexandra Schmidt: In recognition of her exemplary leadership and extensive service to ISBA and the Bayesian community, her pioneering contributions in advancing statistical models for spatial and spatio-temporal processes, and her dedicated commitment to educating and training the next generation of Bayesian statisticians.
  • Scott Sisson: For his outstanding contributions to research in Bayesian computation, for the promotion of Bayesian research and for his sustained leadership of the Australian Bayesian community, including the dedicated mentoring and supervision of a large number of junior Bayesian researchers.
  • Refik Soyer: In recognition of his outstanding leadership and dedication to promoting and disseminating Bayesian ideas in industry and business; for his profound contributions to Bayesian inference at the intersection of statistics, operations research, decision and management science and for his dedicated service to ISBA in particular as founder and driving force of the Section on Industrial Statistics.