Congratulations to all of the winners of the 2023 ISBA Awards, as announced at the 2024 ISBA World Meeting:

Blackwell-Rosenbluth Awards: Francois-Xavier Briol, Xenia Miscouridou, Maria Skoularidou, Jonathan H. Huggins, Georgia Papadogeorgou, Guanyang Wang

Mitchell Prize:  Siro Legramanti, Tommaso Rigon, Daniele Durante, David B. Dunson, “Extended stochastic block models with application to criminal networks,” The Annals of Applied Statistics

Mitchell Prize Honorable Mention: Pierfrancesco Alaimo Di Loro, Marco Mingione, Jonah Lipsitt, Christina M. Batteate, Michael Jerrett, Sudipto Banerjee, “Bayesian hierarchical modeling and analysis for actigraph data from wearable devices,” The Annals of Applied Statistics

Mitchell Prize Honorable Mention: George Nicholson, Ruairidh E. King, Brieuc Lehmann, Ann-Marie Mallon, Tullia Padellini, Peter J. Diggle, Koen B. Pouwels, Sylvia Richardson, Radka Jersakova, Marta Blangiardo, James Lomax, Chris Holmes, “Improving local prevalence estimates of SARS-CoV-2 infections using a causal debiasing framework,” Nature Microbiology

Lindley Prize: Gemma Moran, John P. Cunnigham, David M. Blei, “The posterior predictive null”

Lindley Prize Honorable Mention: Daniel R. Kowal, Antonio Canale, “Semiparametric functional factor models with Bayesian rank selection”

DeGroot Prize: Richard McElreath, Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan (second edition), CRC Press\

Savage Award in Applied Methodology: Wei Sun, “Novel Bayesian methods for precision medicine in HIV”

Savage Award in Applied Methodology Finalist / Honorable Mention: Raquel Barata, “Flexible dynamic quantile linear models”

Savage Award in Applied Methodology Finalist / Honorable Mention: Annie Sauer, “Deep Gaussian process surrogates for computer experiments”

Savage Award in Applied Methodology Finalist / Honorable Mention: Matteo Pedone, “Covariate-dependent Bayesian models for heterogeneous populations”

Savage Award in Theory & Methods: Jeremias Knoblauch, “Optimization-centric generalizations of Bayesian inference”

Savage Award in Theory & Methods Finalist / Honorable Mention: Jeffrey Negrea, “Covariate-dependent Bayesian models for heterogeneous populations”

Savage Award in Theory & Methods Finalist / Honorable Mention: Mario Beraha, “Statistical learning of random probability measures”

Savage Award in Theory & Methods Finalist / Honorable Mention: Lionel Riou-Durand, “Theoretical contributions in Monte Carlo methods and applications to statistics”

Recognized Appreciation: Alexandra Schmidt, Botond Szabo, Matthias Katzfuss, Sinead Williamson, Sergios Agapiou, Roberto Casarin